Sunday, February 12, 2023

Montezuma's Revenge

 Ugh, sometimes traveling can be tough.

For the last day and a half I've had, well let's just say "bathroom problems". It's not totally uncommon for people traveling to different cultures to end up with these kind of problems. Fortunately I have Dr. Google to tell me what to do. It basically says that your body will fight it on its own (usually) and you just need to support your body's ability to heal itself.

Wait, did you just hear that? Your body can heal itself! We take this for granted every day of our lives. If you stop and think about that, what an amazing body God gave us to heal itself. WOW! It really blows me away how incredible our bodies are!

So I've basically just been hanging out in my room. 

Here is one thing I'd challenge you on... It's ok to get sick.

Especially after COVID, it seems like everyone I know is scarred to death to get sick. I personally feel that if your body doesn't have the opportunity to get sick, that it will slowly loose it's ability to keep you healthy and the sickness can be much worse. 

It's kind of like failing. We try to protect our kids from failing and we give them everything. We try to protect them so much that we give them drugs so that they will be "normal" or like the other kids and behave. Then our drugged up kids become adults and when they turn 26 they get kicked off of the parents medical insurance plan and can't afford the medicine to keep them "normal". All of a sudden they have to comes to grips with reality and how to deal with it. Ugh, sorry, I'm on a rant. 

Ok, I'm not anti all medicine, but teaching coping skills is way more important than throwing a pill at the person. I'm pretty convinced that Albert Einstein and some other incredible minds had major problems in school and fitting in. Let's not dumb down our kids. 

 Ok, now to the important picture of what I've been eating:

Hand made tamales

Hand made some kind of churro like thing

I get 2 tacos, my friend Manuel gets 5 (then he goes back for more)

My friend Jackie took the leftover spaghetti, mixed it with scrabbled eggs, then fried it

I wanted to get some meat from these guys, but they drove off

The trick to find good food in Mexico is just look for these labels on the package

Pray Requests:
  • That my body would be able to do what it was meant to do and heal
  • That God would watch over me so that it doesn't become worse

  • I'm so thankful for great food (it's my weakness)
  • I'm so grateful for an incredible body
  • I'm super grateful for good toilet paper 😎

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