Wednesday, February 28, 2024

End of 2024 Trip and I'm changed

A mind stretched by new experiences can never go back to its previous dimensions.
As I finish this 3 week trip visiting my friends (that are like my extended family), there are several things that float through my mind. 

When on the way down, the airlines randomly switched my seat up one row. Was that just so the guy next to me could hear about what God is doing at this orphanage and have his heart touched?

How awesome is it to get out of my world and into another and see what God is doing. There's so much faith at this orphanage that God will and has provided for all of their needs. Everyday food and supplies would just randomly show up. It was so go to see the goodness in people.

Here are some photos of memories as I continue my thoughts on this trip...

Picnic with friends (close to the volcano)

To be an orphan means that you've lost or have had damaged one of the most important things in life... Love of your family (the way God intended it to be). It doesn't mean they don't love, in fact I think most people at this orphanage love more and deeper than I'm capable of because of their hurt, healed and healing of relationships.

My advice would be to quit watching the news and looking at social media. I was able to live in the moment and had no idea what was happening in the rest of the world while I was there.

I simply "lived" while there. I embraced being a Human"being" and was not focused on being a Human"doing".

I'd walk down the street and pick Guamuchil Fruit off of trees and just have a snack that God provided.

I quit worrying so much about kids not being buckled up in the car and realized that all of us being crammed into a car made us laugh and enjoy every minute all day long.

I enjoyed seeing one of the pastors play Bible Trivia with the kids to see which person in the Bible he was telling about.

Without time requirements, I was able to just "be" and build relationships with people

We worked together (and hid from the sun together)

I continued my friendships that have been going on for years

I made new friendships

I remembered friends that had been in the orphanage since they were a baby and have moved on, married and are owning their lives

Here I'm heading out with my new cowboy boots and my new memories that have changed me forever more. Let me repeat one of my favorite sayings:
A mind stretched by new experiences can never go back to its previous dimensions.

Each and every person in this photo has a story. Each of them are opening their hearts and sharing pain and joy with our God. Each of them are seeking love, community and significance. My prayer is that God used me to convey His love.

First thing when I returned home was to participate in the planning meeting where we'll have 30 people on week 1 and another 14 people on week 2 visit the orphanage in March/April and hopefully experience some of the wonders of this world that I was able to see.

If you've ever wanted to be part of a trip like this, our church visits this orphanage each year (typically in April).
Check out our church blog on the trip here: CenterPoint Church Mexico Blog

Let me know if you'd like more information on our 2025 trip.

If you're not able to go, but want to be part of something AWESOME that God is doing, you can donate or sponsor a child here:

1 comment:

  1. Dan, God is using you in such an important way. I love these stories and I'm personally grateful for your obedience to the Lord. May God bless you and keep you...
