Monday, February 5, 2024

60 Seconds of Soccer and Duolingo is paying off

After over a dozen trips to Mexico, I finally got to attend my first Fútbol (Soccer) Game.

The city league had come to visit the kids in the orphanage and asked them to come to one of their games (for free!). I was fortunate enough to be able to drive them, however as we arrived, I was forced to watch the game from the parking lot because I got a flat in the van. 

Well, it's in the sidewall, so that tire is ruined.

Normally, you just put the spare on and continue on your way. However the one thing that I've learned is that everything takes longer in Mexico.

Ugh, there's no jack or tools. Luckily I was able to make a few calls and had a jack delivered. Unfortunately the jack would bleed down so I was attempting to get creative with the local rocks to jack a little, support the van a little,  then jack a little more.

Rocks as Jack Stands

I finally got another jack, oh but wait, the spare tire doesn't have much air. Let's figure out how to get some air in it.

Finally everything worked out and I was able to get a spare tire on and made it up to watch the very last part of the big game.

I was only in my seat for about 60 seconds when the ref blew the whistle and it was over. Team Colima lost 0-1. Well, let's all load up in the van and go kiddos! Well... that was exciting (but not in the way I was thinking).


Here we are sitting on the benches in the middle of the main house. This is an area that always has people sitting, talking and playing. This morning it was a little chilly (62º) so I had my hoodie on.

Every night the adults sit around on the bench and talk. I try to join them, but it's hard because they speak to each other so fast that it's impossible for me to understand anything. One of the highlights of the day was when one of the men from church was there, he was speaking about what was happening with the Panama Canal and the water problem. I WAS AMAZED! I understood most of the things that he was saying. This was an absolute first for me to be eavesdropping in on a conversation and to understand any of it.

I've been on Duolingo learning Spanish for 1562 days in a row without fail. It sure feels nice that all that hard work is paying off.

Answered Prayers: I asked for prayer to remember the kid's names. Well I was able to remember some of the kids names, but was also able to stall enough and tease enough that I was able to draw the names out of them or have other kids tell me. None of the kids felt unremembered or unimportant.

Current Prayer Request: That I will find the right balance between getting repairs done, having meaningful relationships with my friends and family here (they aren't really blood, but I feel they are family), and the right amount of rest and relaxation and studying.

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