Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Bummer, I just found out that I'm OLD & Try juggling this!


Each day the kids rotate what chores they will do. 
As this boy waits for more dirty dishes to wash, he blows bubbles with the dish water.
It's good to see kids having fun with whatever they're doing.

Papa Joel is considered the "father" of the children in the middle age kids house (5-11 yrs old).
Here he is playing and teaching them soccer.
At times there could be as many as 25+ kids in this home. Can you imagine being a parent to that many kids? When would you find the time and energy to play and teach?

This repair surprised me. I had no idea that you could buy a shower head that could be hooked up to 110 volts and have the water heated by an element inside the head!
It seamed dangerous to me. In fact it didn't work when I was done replacing it, but because I was a little confused and scared, I allowed one of the other local repair guys to finish fixing it.

After multiple trips to several stores and after several days, I was able to finally fix one leaking drain in a kitchen. However with the teenage boys stacking pots under the sink, I fear that the watertight connections may not last long (I had just replaced them all last year).
It's always surprising and confusing when I return to be repairing things that I just repaired the last time I was here. But, like my friend always says "Any job worth doing once is worth doing twice".

We took a trip to the dormant Volcano Nevada. Yes, that's show that I'm licking off the picnic table.
It was COLD.

As we got to 4,100 Meters (13,400 feet) I found out something new...
I was 100% exhausted and couldn't go 10 steps without stopping and resting.
It was humbling.
Just about then, I noticed that one of the kids we took (a 16 years old) was sitting with 2 jacket on, gloves and a foil emergency blanket that other hikers had given him. Lewis was very, very cold and could not feel his fingers. Luckily the sun came out from behind the clouds, we were able to warm up for a bit, then we were able to head down.

Here we are on the way down. Lewis had warmed up a bit and felt much better.
You can see the Colima Volcano behind us. It's still an active volcano and was going off every 20 minutes or so when we were here several years ago.
I think I caught the "altitude sickness" because the whole next day I couldn't focus my thoughts.

It's very common to see people perform tricks, washing windshields or selling items at red lights in Mexico. They work for tips, which I think is much better than just simply having a sign asking for $.
This ol' boy was pretty good at juggling the machetes!


  1. We had one of those shower heads in our house in Costa Rica. If we stood up too tall you’d completely the circuit and things got real tingly. It was very disconcerting.

  2. Also, what hike did you do!?! Ice Volcano?
